Pre-Intermediate Australian English Language Course
Pre-Intermediate Australian English Language Course (PIAELC)
The Pre-Intermediate Australian English Language course (PIAELC) is part of the main suite of English Language courses at DITC.
The major focus of this course is to develop the language skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. 21st-century learning skills including digital literacy and learner training will also be included.
There will also be a focus on foundation-level academic skills, exam-taking practice and preparation, and whole-class activities that extend language learning.
Learning outcomes
The course aims to:
Develop English speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills commensurate with achieving ADFELPS level 5.
A minimum Australian Defence Force English Language Profiling System (ADFELPS) levels of S4, L4, R5, W4. Candidates for the course who do not meet this entry level must request a waiver from the Head of Section.
Completion of the Reception Period (RP) course.
International military personnel.
Defence Co-operation Program nominees who wish to enhance their current level of English.