The Australian Defence Force English Language Profiling System (ADFELPS)

The Australian Defence Force English Language Profiling System (ADFELPS) was developed by Defence International Training Centre (DITC) staff at RAAF Base Williams, Laverton, Australia. 

English language profiling is an essential component of training under the DCP. It enables the DCP to match prospective students to appropriate courses and maximises the benefits students will gain from training.

The ADFELPS is used to determine English language profiles for all courses that DCP students will attend in Australia and individual students' English language proficiency levels and profiles. It is a proficiency-based system and rates courses and students in the four macro-skills of speaking, writing, reading, and listening.

The ADFELPS consists of two main parts; the Language Profile Descriptors and the Language Proficiency Tests for assessing language proficiency and assigning language proficiency levels to students. 

ADFELPS has been designed to satisfy the need for an effective and relatively simple English language proficiency profiling process.

ADFELPS test formats

Test candidates are given 60 minutes to complete the reading test. 

The reading test consists of five tasks. Typical question types include multiple choice, matching vocabulary and short answer questions. The following is a suggestion on how test takers can manage their time when completing a reading test.

Task 1 (approximately 3-5 mins)

Task 2 (approximately 5-10 mins)

Task 3 (approximately 10 mins)

Task 4 (approximately 10-15 mins)

Task 5 (approximately 20 mins)

Here is an example of an ADFELPS reading task.

The listening test averages approximately 40 minutes in duration. It varies slightly between versions. It consists of multiple-choice and short-answer tasks. The audio for each task is played twice. 

An example is provided here.

The writing test is 60 minutes long. It consists of two essay-style tasks.

Task 1 is a short descriptive essay of about 120 words, and Task 2 is a longer essay, often asking the candidate to write an opinion essay of about 200 words.

For both Task 1 and Task 2 candidates are given a choice of two topics.

The following is a suggestion on how test takers can manage their time when completing a writing test.

Task 1 (20 minutes)

Task 2 (40 minutes)

The speaking test consists of an interview lasting 15-20 minutes. The interview is broken up into five phases.

Phase 1 (1-2 minutes)
Greeting and familiarisation.

Phase 2 (2 minutes)
Providing basic personal information and responding to simple questions.

Phase 3 (4 minutes)
Describing, explaining and comparing familiar topics with reference to both present and past.

Phase 4 (4 minutes)
Role play for information gathering, explication, using social and vocational registers.

Phase 5 (5 minutes)
Stating an opinion, discussing, speculating, hypothesising.


The ADFELPS is used to:

• assess the English language proficiency of Defence Cooperation Program (DCP) candidates.

• determine English language profiles for all ADF courses available to DCP personnel.

• identify suitable candidates for Australian Defence Force (ADF) courses.

• match DCP personnel to appropriate courses based on their English language proficiency.

Who administers tests?

Within Australia, testing is done at the Defence International Training Centre (DITC). In other countries testing is carried out by Defence Cooperation Education Officers (DCEOs), Technical Advisers (TAs), Australian embassy personnel and trained personnel from regional defence forces.

How can I get further information?

For any enquiries contact:

Phone: +61 (03) 9254 8709



Defence International Training Centre
RAAF Williams
VIC 3028

An ADFELPS test result remains valid for twelve months from the date of issue. Test candidates cannot be retested within three months of the date of issue.