Military drones

Play audio recordings

Click on the arrow to listen to the audio recordings.

If you prefer to download the audio onto your device, right-click on the 3 dots on the right of the audio player and click 'save as'.

Once the file has been saved to your device, you can play it whenever convenient.

Exercise 2, 3

Exercise 4



Military drones - flashcards

Learn more vocabulary associated with military drones using the flashcards below.

After you have studied the cards, if you want to test your knowledge, click 'Choose a study mode' at the bottom right of the window.

You can select different games to play that test your new vocabulary.

Choose from:

  • a 'match' game - match a term to its description
  • learn - read a definition and select its correct description 
  • a test; or
  • (a spelling test - we do not recommend this option currently).